Woah, i need to dust off this blog, it's been so long since i last posted on here. I guess i just forgot about this haha!
So anyways, now that summer's here i have been wearing bronzer with my makeup. And i have to say that i love it!! When applied correctly (which i have learned how to do from makeup gurus on youtube) it looks perfectly glowy! I also like sweeping bronser on my chest and neck so that everything looks balanced and glowy. For anyone that thinks bronzer makes them look dirty or anything like that, it's either because your bronzer is too dark or the way you're applying it. I will make a video on my youtube channel about bronzer very soon so hopefully that will help you. A great video to check out is makeupbytiffanyd's video on applying bronzer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNo7lrUH_cs&playnext_from=TL&videos=wFjeEK-E6pQ&feature=sub
I have tried a couple drugstore bronzers, but i honestly don't remember the names of them and back then i didn't know how to apply bronzer, so i only used those bronzers once or twice and then never touched them again because i thought i could never pull off bronzer.
I have 2 bronzers at the moment and they're really the only bronzers that i've tried since shunning bronzers back when i was like 13. I'm sure you can guess which ones i'm going to say since i have pictures of them at the beginning of this post, but they are NARS Laguna bronzer and Benefit Hoola Bronzer. Let's start off with NARS Laguna. This bronzer is great for people with my skintone (very fair) and for people darker than me, i'd say as dark as NC30 for MAC. It has a satiny finish with a very subtle skimmer in it, which makes the skin look glowy and this can be swept all over the face for an all over glow or in concentrated areas for contouring. Benefit Hoola is slightly lighter than Laguna and is completely matte. I've swept this all over my face before, but i prefer the look of the NARS Laguna. I really like the Hoola for contouring because it's completely matte, though.
So there's my two cents on bronzers, like i said i will post a video on my youtube channel with more info about applying bronzer soon.